1·Some animals can eat at ordinary times liver or spinach, big jujube, lean lean, etc.
2·Therefore, can eat some chicken, pig lean lean, eggs, and dairy and beans, beans products, etc.
3·Five portions of protein food: every day to eat any animal flesh 50 grams, of course, it is best to lean lean, any variety of fish 50 grams (except bone gross);
4·Eating lean protein is crucial to good health because you need it to build and maintain lean body mass.
5·You can also get your daily recommended dose of 11 milligrams a day by eating other shellfish, lean beef, lean pork, or legumes.
6·Jeanine has to lean on my arm when we walk. But I have to lean on her a hundred times a year, when I turn to her with problems no one else understands, problems no one else can see me through.
7·No one is advocating tucking into massive rib eyes or a rack of ribs every day, but if you choose lean cuts and have them a few times a week, lean red meat can be a positive addition to your diet.
8·Maintain eye contact, lean in and pause when your faces are close but not touching, to allow the other person space to escape or, hopefully, lean in too.
9·Lowland trees may lean to this side and that, though it is but a meadow breeze that bends them or a bank of cowlips from which their trunks lean aslope.
10·Support lean service management: The Common Cloud management Platform fosters lean and lightweight service management policies, processes, and technologies. (" Lightweightness Principle ").